Where to Find Marijuana in Calais, France: A Friendly Guide

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Welcome to Calais: A Smoker’s Guide

Calais, a vibrant port city in northern France, is known for its stunning coastline, rich history, and bustling ferry port. For tourists who appreciate marijuana, Calais offers a relaxed and picturesque environment. This friendly and easy-to-read guide will help you navigate the cannabis scene in Calais, from finding quality marijuana to smoking spots, legal tips, and more.

Quality of Marijuana in Calais: Trust Only the Known

In Calais, as in many other places, the quality of marijuana can vary significantly. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, it’s essential to trust only known and reliable sources. Here are some tips:

Why Trust Only Known Sources?

  1. Safety: Reliable sources ensure that the marijuana is free from harmful additives and contaminants.
  2. Consistency: Trusted vendors provide consistent quality, so you know what to expect.
  3. Legal Protection: Known sources are less likely to involve legal complications compared to unknown street dealers.

How to Find Quality Marijuana

  1. Local Connections: If you know someone local, ask for their advice. Locals often have the best insights into where to find quality marijuana.
  2. Reputable Vendors: In popular nightlife areas, you might find vendors. Be cautious and avoid unknown street dealers.
  3. Medical Sources: Some people may have access to medical marijuana through health connections. These sources are generally more trustworthy.

Good quality marijuana should have a pleasant aroma, be free of seeds and stems, and have a consistent texture. Be wary of anything that looks or smells off.

Average Price of Marijuana in Calais

The price of marijuana in Calais can vary based on quality and source. Typically, you can expect to pay around €10-€15 per gram for good quality cannabis. Higher quality or specialty strains may cost more, sometimes up to €20 per gram. Always agree on a price before making a purchase to avoid surprises.

Best Places to Smoke Without Causing Disturbance

Calais offers several discreet and pleasant spots where you can enjoy your marijuana without bothering others:

1. Parc Richelieu

This beautiful park offers numerous secluded spots with stunning views of nature. The relaxing ambiance makes it a perfect place to enjoy your marijuana discreetly.

2. Calais Beach (Plage de Calais)

This long stretch of beach provides a more secluded environment with beautiful views and peaceful surroundings. It’s an ideal spot for a tranquil smoke.

3. Fort Risban

The historic fort offers beautiful views and many hidden corners where you can enjoy a peaceful smoke.

4. Parc Saint-Pierre

A serene park with lush greenery and quiet spots, perfect for relaxing and enjoying nature away from the crowds.

What Not to Do for a Peaceful Vacation

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable vacation, here are some things to avoid:

Avoid Smoking in Public Areas

Smoking marijuana in crowded or public places can attract unwanted attention and is generally not accepted. Always find a discreet and private spot.

Don’t Buy from Street Dealers

Street dealers are often unreliable and might sell low-quality or unsafe products. Stick to trusted sources to ensure safety and quality.

Avoid Large Quantities

Possessing large amounts of marijuana can lead to serious legal trouble. Keep your quantities small and for personal use to avoid complications.

Legal Status of Marijuana in France

Marijuana in France is illegal for recreational use. However, small amounts for personal use are decriminalized, meaning you might face a fine or confiscation but not severe legal action. Here’s a brief overview:


Possession of small amounts for personal use is a misdemeanor and typically results in a fine.

Cultivation and Distribution

These are serious offenses and can lead to significant jail time.

Medical Marijuana

France has a legal framework for medical marijuana, but it’s tightly regulated and not easily accessible for tourists. Always stay informed about local laws and respect them to avoid complications.

How to Buy Weed in Calais

If you’re looking to buy weed in Calais, remember that quality and safety should be your top priorities. Trust only known sources and avoid street dealers. Whether you’re exploring historical sites or enjoying a peaceful moment on the beach, Calais offers a welcoming environment for marijuana enthusiasts.

How to Handle Encounters with Law Enforcement

If you find yourself in a situation involving law enforcement, stay calm and respectful. Here’s how to handle it:

Be Polite

Always remain polite and cooperative. Being rude or confrontational will only worsen the situation.

Know Your Rights

You have the right to remain silent and request a lawyer. If you’re caught with a small amount, explaining that it’s for personal use might result in a lesser penalty.

Avoid Bribery

Never attempt to bribe police officers. This can escalate the situation and lead to more severe consequences.

Relationship of Marijuana to Other Drugs in Calais

Calais, while a beautiful and historically rich city, is not isolated from the wider issues related to drug use. Marijuana is relatively common, but other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, crack, and ecstasy are present but part of a more dangerous and illegal underground scene. Here’s what you need to know:

Cocaine and Ecstasy

These are often found in nightlife scenes but come with high risks of legal trouble and health issues.

Heroin and Crack

These are highly addictive and dangerous drugs, often associated with severe legal penalties and health risks.

Polydrug Use

Mixing marijuana with other drugs is not recommended as it can lead to unpredictable and potentially harmful effects. Sticking to marijuana, if you choose to indulge, is the safest route.

Major Attractions in Calais

While enjoying your marijuana experience, don’t forget to explore the incredible attractions Calais has to offer:

1. The Calais Lighthouse

A must-visit for its stunning views and historical significance. The lighthouse offers beautiful views of the city and the sea.

2. The Burghers of Calais

This famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin is located in front of the town hall and is a significant cultural landmark.

3. Calais Beach (Plage de Calais)

Known for its clear waters and lively atmosphere, Calais Beach is perfect for a day of relaxation and fun.

4. Calais Town Hall

This beautiful building is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers fascinating insights into the city’s history.

5. Cité Internationale de la Dentelle et de la Mode

This museum is dedicated to lace and fashion, offering a unique perspective on the cultural history of Calais.

Fun Activities to Enjoy in Calais

Calais is a lively city with plenty of activities to keep you entertained:

1. Nightlife

Explore the local bars and clubs, particularly in the city center and around Place d’Armes. The city offers a vibrant nightlife scene with something for everyone.

2. Culinary Tours

Enjoying the local cuisine is a must. Try traditional dishes like moules-frites, coq au vin, and local cheeses. Don’t forget to taste the local wines and beers.

3. Boat Tours

Take a boat tour along the coast to see Calais from a different perspective. Visit nearby beaches, swim in secluded coves, and enjoy the beautiful sea.

4. Hiking

Explore the natural beauty of Calais with its numerous trails and scenic views. The hike to Cap Blanc-Nez is particularly popular and offers breathtaking vistas.

5. Shopping for Local Products

Calais is known for its markets and local products. Visit local shops for unique souvenirs, including handmade crafts, jewelry, and local delicacies.


Calais is a city that beautifully blends history, nature, and modern living, offering a unique experience for marijuana enthusiasts. By following this guide, you can ensure a safe, enjoyable, and respectful visit. Remember to source your marijuana from trusted connections, respect local laws, and take the time to explore the beautiful sights and sounds of this incredible city. Enjoy your time in Calais and happy smoking!

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