Where to find weed in Strasbourg, France

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The vibrant city of Strasbourg, a gem in France’s crown, has recently been drawing attention not just for its enchanting beauty but also for a rather different reason: marijuana. In a country where the laws and attitudes towards cannabis are complex and often confusing, Strasbourg presents a unique case. This article seeks to guide you through the streets of Strasbourg, unraveling the mystery of where to find weed, understanding the local laws, appreciating the quality and price, and acknowledging the risks involved. Whether you are a casual visitor intrigued by the local cannabis culture or a more serious enthusiast looking to explore Strasbourg’s offerings, this guide aims to provide you with all the information you need for a safe and enjoyable experience.

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How to Get Marijuana in Strasbourg, France

Exploring the Local Scene

Strasbourg, with its unique blend of French and German influences, offers a distinct cannabis culture. Unlike in some cities where the sale and use of marijuana might be more overt, in Strasbourg, it requires a bit of local insight. The first thing to understand is that, despite France’s stringent laws against the sale and use of marijuana, there is a certain level of tolerance in some areas, especially in cities like Strasbourg which have a vibrant youth and student population.

Navigating the Legalities

While possession of small amounts of cannabis has been decriminalized in France, it’s important to remember that it is not legal. In Strasbourg, as in the rest of France, being caught with marijuana can lead to fines. However, the enforcement of these laws can vary, and in some parts of the city, you might find that police are more lenient, especially towards tourists.

Making Connections

As for actually obtaining marijuana in Strasbourg, it often comes down to making the right connections. Cafés and bars in student-heavy areas can be good places to start. Engaging in friendly conversations with locals can sometimes lead to useful tips. Remember, discretion is key, and it’s important to avoid any actions that might seem suspicious or disrespectful.

Safety First

Always prioritize your safety. Be cautious of who you trust and be aware of your surroundings, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar area. It’s also wise to be informed about the quality and type of marijuana you’re purchasing. Since the market is unregulated, the quality can vary greatly.

Respect the Culture

Finally, respect the local culture and customs. In Strasbourg, as in many European cities, there’s a strong emphasis on respect and politeness. Even when engaging in activities like seeking marijuana, maintaining a respectful attitude will go a long way in ensuring a positive experience.

Weed Laws in France

Understanding the Legal Framework

France’s approach to marijuana is characterized by a complex legal framework that has seen gradual changes over the years. As of now, recreational marijuana remains illegal in France, including in Strasbourg. This includes the cultivation, possession, sale, and consumption of cannabis for non-medical purposes.

Decriminalization of Possession

In recent years, France has moved towards the decriminalization of marijuana possession. This means that while possession is still illegal, it is treated as a minor offense. Individuals caught with small amounts of cannabis (usually under 10 grams) are more likely to face a fine rather than criminal charges. The fine can range from 150 to 200 euros, depending on the circumstances.

Medical Marijuana

The French government has also been exploring the use of medical marijuana. Although this program is still in its early stages, it marks a significant shift in the country’s stance on cannabis. For medical marijuana, strict regulations are in place, and it can only be prescribed for certain health conditions.

Regional Variations

While the national laws are applied across the country, there can be variations in enforcement at the local level. In cities like Strasbourg, which have a significant student and tourist population, the authorities may adopt a more tolerant approach compared to smaller towns or rural areas. However, this doesn’t mean the laws are different; it’s more about the approach to enforcement.

Impact on Tourists

For tourists, it’s crucial to understand that while there might be a certain level of tolerance, the risks of engaging in marijuana-related activities shouldn’t be underestimated. Being a foreigner does not exempt one from fines or legal consequences. It’s always advisable to stay on the right side of the law, especially when in a foreign country.

The Future of Cannabis Laws in France

The debate around the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana continues in France. Public opinion has been slowly shifting towards a more tolerant view on cannabis, especially for medical purposes. However, any significant legal changes are likely to take time.

Quality of Marijuana in France

Varied Quality Across the Board

In France, the quality of marijuana can vary widely. This is largely due to the unregulated nature of the market. In cities like Strasbourg, the range of cannabis quality spans from low-grade to high-quality strains, often influenced by the source and method of cultivation.

Types of Strains Available

The strains available in France, including in Strasbourg, are diverse. You can find everything from Sativas, known for their energizing effects, to Indicas, which are more relaxing. There are also hybrid strains that offer a balance of both. The availability of specific strains, however, can be inconsistent due to the clandestine nature of the market.

Impact of Importation

A significant portion of the marijuana in France is imported from neighboring countries like the Netherlands or Spain, where cultivation practices might be different. This importation affects both the quality and the types of strains available. Imported cannabis is often perceived to be of higher quality due to more sophisticated cultivation methods used in these countries.

User Experiences

The user experience with marijuana in France varies. Regular users often develop a sense for discerning quality and might have reliable sources. Tourists, however, may find it more challenging to gauge the quality and might end up with subpar products. It’s important for users, especially those unfamiliar with the market, to be cautious.

Caution with Unregulated Products

Since the market is unregulated, there’s no quality control or standardization of products. This lack of regulation can lead to the presence of adulterants or contaminants in the marijuana, which can pose health risks. Users should be aware of this risk and exercise caution when purchasing and consuming cannabis.


In summary, while high-quality marijuana can be found in France, the variability and lack of regulation present challenges in ensuring consistent quality. It’s advisable for both locals and tourists to be vigilant and informed when engaging with the cannabis market in France.

Price of Marijuana in France

Factors Influencing Price

The cost of marijuana in France is influenced by several factors, including quality, legality, and the dynamics of the unregulated market. Prices can vary significantly from one city to another, with tourist-heavy areas like Strasbourg often having higher prices due to demand.

Average Price Range

On average, the price of marijuana in France ranges from 7 to 12 euros per gram. However, this can fluctuate based on the quality and the specific strain. High-quality strains or those perceived as premium, especially imported ones, can cost more.

Comparison with Other European Countries

When compared to its European neighbors, the price of marijuana in France is relatively moderate. Countries with more relaxed cannabis laws, like the Netherlands, might offer lower prices due to a more established and regulated market.

Impact of Legality

The illegal status of recreational marijuana in France plays a significant role in its pricing. The risk involved in the cultivation, distribution, and sale of cannabis contributes to higher prices, as sellers factor in the potential legal consequences.

Street vs. Social Circles

Prices also differ based on where the marijuana is purchased. Street prices are often higher and come with the added risk of uncertain quality. In contrast, buying through social circles or regular contacts might offer lower prices and better quality assurance, though this is not always guaranteed.

Seasonal Variations

Seasonal factors can also influence the price of marijuana in France. During tourist seasons, when the demand is higher, prices might spike, especially in popular cities like Strasbourg.

Tips for Tourists

For tourists, it’s important to be aware of these price dynamics. Avoid making impulsive purchases from street vendors and exercise caution. Understanding the local market through discreet inquiries and being informed can help in making better purchasing decisions.


In conclusion, the price of marijuana in France is a product of various factors, including its illegal status and the unregulated nature of the market. While prices are generally moderate compared to some European countries, tourists should be mindful of the risks and variability involved.

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Where to Smoke Marijuana in Strasbourg

Understanding Local Etiquette

In Strasbourg, as in the rest of France, public consumption of marijuana remains illegal. However, there are certain areas and settings where discretion leads to a more relaxed attitude. Understanding and respecting local etiquette is key when choosing a place to smoke.

Private Spaces

The safest option for smoking marijuana in Strasbourg is in private spaces. This could be at a local acquaintance’s residence where you have been invited. Remember, gaining consent from the host is crucial before engaging in smoking.

Discreet Outdoor Areas

While public consumption is illegal, some users find discreet outdoor areas like less-crowded parts of parks or secluded spots along the river where they can smoke without attracting attention. It’s important to be very discreet and mindful of the presence of others, especially children and law enforcement.

Cannabis-Friendly Accommodations

Some accommodations, particularly those that cater to a younger or more liberal clientele, might unofficially tolerate marijuana use on their premises. This is not the norm, and you should always check with the management before assuming it’s acceptable.

Cultural Norms and Respect

In Strasbourg, there is a strong emphasis on respecting public spaces and the community. This cultural norm extends to smoking marijuana. Even in places where it’s somewhat tolerated, being respectful and not causing a nuisance is paramount.

Festivals and Events

During certain festivals or cultural events, there might be a more relaxed attitude towards marijuana use. However, this does not mean it’s legal, and caution is advised. Always follow the lead of locals and avoid smoking openly.

Risks and Legal Implications

Be aware of the risks involved. If caught, you could face fines or legal issues. The attitude of law enforcement can vary, and as a tourist, it’s especially important to be cautious.


In summary, while there are places in Strasbourg where marijuana smoking occurs, the activity is still illegal and comes with risks. Choosing private or discreet locations and adhering to a respectful and cautious approach is advisable.

Risks of Smoking Marijuana in France

Legal Risks

The foremost risk of smoking marijuana in France, including cities like Strasbourg, is legal. Despite a more tolerant approach to small amounts of cannabis, the activity remains illegal. Being caught in possession or using marijuana can lead to fines and, in more severe cases, legal proceedings. Tourists should be especially cautious, as they might not be fully aware of local laws and enforcement practices.

Health Implications

Health risks are another concern. The unregulated nature of the cannabis market in France means there’s no quality control. This can lead to marijuana being mixed with harmful substances, posing a risk to users. Additionally, the potency of THC (the psychoactive component in cannabis) varies, and high-potency strains can lead to adverse effects, especially for inexperienced users.

Social and Cultural Considerations

There’s also a social risk involved. In French culture, there’s often a stigma associated with marijuana use, especially in more conservative or rural areas. This stigma can affect social interactions and how one is perceived. Respecting local norms and customs is important to avoid negative social implications.

Risk of Dependency

While marijuana is often viewed as less addictive compared to other substances, there’s still a risk of dependency, particularly for frequent users. This can lead to various personal and social issues, including impacts on health, relationships, and daily functioning.

Travel and Legal Complications

For tourists, there’s the added risk of facing travel-related complications. Legal issues arising from marijuana use can affect one’s ability to travel freely, both within France and when returning to one’s home country. This is particularly relevant for those from countries with strict anti-drug laws.

Looking for quality weed in France?


In conclusion, while the allure of experiencing cannabis culture in France might be tempting, it’s crucial to be aware of the legal, health, and social risks involved. Staying informed, exercising caution, and prioritizing safety can help mitigate these risks. As a visitor to France, respecting the laws and cultural norms is not only a matter of legality but also a sign of respect towards the host country.

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