Cannabis Legalization in France: A Twisted Tale of People vs. Government

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The journey toward cannabis legalization has been a longstanding battle across many European countries, with France standing out for its fierce political crackdown on users and sellers.

According to data from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), France is among the European nations with the toughest sanctions, alongside Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Estonia, Greece, and Cyprus.

Let’s delve into the public and political perspectives on marijuana consumption in this transalpine nation.

Cannabis: From Illegality to the Road to Legalization

France, despite being one of the first to encounter cannabis consumption back in Napoleon’s era, has one of the most stringent anti-cannabis policies in Europe.

The early experiences date back to Napoleon’s soldiers trying cannabis in Egypt when wine was unavailable. However, due to its effects (distinct from those of hemp), cannabis didn’t gain a good reputation. The journey has been tumultuous since then, abolished for being ineffective against cholera and later declared illegal in 1970. This highlights the challenging and distant path toward legalization.

Public Opinion on Cannabis Legalization

A slight step forward was taken in 2019 when the National Assembly allowed the experimentation of therapeutic cannabis, a move halted in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the same year, the Assembly permitted French citizens to fill out an online questionnaire on cannabis use from January to February 2020. This allowed the French to express their opinions on potential changes in legislation regarding recreational cannabis use towards a more permissive direction.

Medical Studies: Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in France

From March 2021, around 3,000 patients reportedly received medical cannabis products for health issues. However, this significant step forward came with limiting conditions, only available to severely ill patients who couldn’t be treated otherwise, including those with epilepsy, chronic pain, or multiple sclerosis.

Some believe that cannabis could be prescribed to patients facing side effects of treatments like chemotherapy. Such a move could be a turning point in shedding the plant’s dark reputation, even to skeptics.

1 in 2 French People Have Tried Cannabis

According to En Marche parliamentarian Caroline Janvier, in 2020, 50% of French people had tried cannabis at least once in their lives. Today, the nation counts a whopping 7 million annual consumers (EMCDDA).

This creates a significant divergence between public opinion and politics. While politicians might want to align with the French people, the right-wing remains staunchly against it. They argue that without distinguishing THC from CBD, it’s impossible to deem cannabis ‘safe,’ associating its use with criminality and violence. Moderates, on the other hand, acknowledge the widespread cannabis use and advocate for adapting to the evolving times, perhaps through a natural legalization process, irrespective of French government obstruction.

Legalization in France: A Step Forward for the Sale of Cannabis Flowers and Leaves

On December 30, 2021, the Conseil d’État introduced a ban on the sale of cannabis flowers and leaves with a THC content below 0.3%. However, they confirmed that CBD is a substance devoid of addictive psychotropic effects. CBD does not possess the characteristics of a narcotic substance and cannot be considered as such. The ban was no longer in effect from December 29, 2022.

Latest News: HHC on the List of Narcotic Substances

HHC (hexahydrocannabinol), along with HHCO (hexahydrocannabinol-O-acetate) and HHCP (hexahydrocannabiforol), was officially added to the list of narcotic substances in France on June 13, 2023. The new law also introduced a ban on their production, sale, and use. This decision was based on research indicating the psychotropic nature of cannabinoids, similar to cannabis, and their chemical structure’s resemblance to THC, the quintessential narcotic substance.

The ban on HHC sales remains in force not only in France but also in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, and the United Kingdom.

Cannabis in France: Cassation Court on CBD and THC

On June 21, 2023, the French Cassation Court repealed the law on narcotics related to driving. The existing law imposes penalties of up to two years in prison and a €4,500 administrative fine, along with a deduction of 6 points. The Cassation Court reiterated that driving under the psycho-physical alteration from substances classified as narcotics becomes illegal, regardless of the THC content.

In Conclusion

Many favor cannabis legalization in France. Numerous individuals are gathering signatures daily to raise awareness and change the current situation, not only in France but also in our own country.

Janvier suggests that “prohibition has pursued an unattainable goal for fifty years without ever having the means. Legalization is the best solution to implement control and protect citizens.” Legalizing cannabis could, on one hand, protect the youth and, on the other, reduce crime and illegal sales.

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