Cannabis à la Parisienne: My Legal High Adventure in the City of Lights!

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In Paris, I tried out some cannabis sold completely legally… for the first and last time? In the capital, two shops were offering to buy weed and hashish entirely legally, until their owners were placed in police custody.

On Wednesday, June 27, according to LCI, the police raided and closed the Bluedreamlab and Cofyshop shops. The seized products were sent to the laboratory to check their legality, while three managers were taken into custody.

Consuming cannabis completely legally without breaking a sweat every time you see a uniform? It’s now possible in Paris with the opening of two unique shops this week. Located on Rue d’Aboukir (2nd arrondissement) and Rue Amelot (11th arrondissement), Bluedreamlab and Cofyshop sell not only weed and hashish but also cannabis-based oil and balm. Intrigued, I decided to check out Bluedreamlab in the heart of Le Sentier.

Arriving there, I expected to find a swarm of people in 100% hemp harem pants, dreadlocks blowing in the wind, and Tryo or Ska-P T-shirts proclaiming their love for Mary Jane. In the end, none of that – just a simple, almost empty shop with a clear front where you wouldn’t guess it’s dedicated to selling cannabis.

For those hoping to find a Dutch-style coffee shop equivalent, think again. You can’t consume on the spot: Bluedreamlab looks more like a typical concept store, similar to many in central Paris. Green walls, frames containing articles from an old encyclopedia dedicated to cannabis, a minimalist counter with only five products under glass domes… it feels more like a disruptive emanation of Station F than Amsterdam. In terms of user experience, not quite up to par (for those who didn’t choose the start-up nation option as their LV1).

Of course, I asked them first about the legality of the huge cannabis head on the counter. “All our products are perfectly legal,” they replied. The secret to avoiding trouble with the police during an ID check? A molecule with a barbaric name, cannabidiol, or simply CBD. Naturally present in hemp, CBD doesn’t have the undesirable effects of THC on the body: no alteration of perception, no dependency. And, most importantly, it’s 100% legal in France. The hemp sold at Bluedreamlab contains about 11% CBD and only 0.2% THC, making it a product that won’t land you in legal trouble.

Intrigued, I lifted the glass dome to smell the offered products. Surprise, the smell is quite similar to what you would expect. The hashish, a rather greenish pollen, easily crumbles in my fingers. But what’s the point of these THC-free products? “CBD is a relaxing substance, it has no psychotropic effect. You can perfectly drive, even after consuming this weed. My colleague took some oil this morning, and look, he doesn’t seem stoned at all.” Indeed, the two people facing me don’t look like they just stepped out of the movie 28 Days Later. I decide to go for the cannabis flower and hashish, at 12.50 euros per gram each.

Back to the office. On the way, I remember the words of the managers when I asked them what would happen if the police found the two pouches at the bottom of my bag: “Explain that it’s legal cannabis, based on CBD. They’ll seize it and have to analyze it. Since the THC content is less than 0.2%, they’ll return it to you.” Yeah, I hope to avoid that situation. “I don’t smoke joints, I consume it in tea,” the seller also told me. “But you do whatever you want.” They have an answer for everything here.

The result is surprising, at least in terms of flavor. The hashish has a fairly mild taste, doesn’t scratch the throat, and is pleasant to consume. The cannabis tea also has a distinct taste. In terms of effects, it must be admitted, there is a relaxing aspect. “Throughout the Blue Dream effect, users enjoy a balance of mental tone and physical calm that suits their environment or mood,” as the online store associated with the shop promised… I’m not completely relaxed yet, but it’s a good start. Also, for those with THC addiction, CBD cannabis can be a good substitute.

Of course, my colleagues hoped I would collapse on my keyboard, with red eyes. “So, are you high?” some of them even asked. And no, missed that. No thunderous high, but also no unpleasant comedown, no sudden fatigue, no paranoia. In short, the sweetened life: diet coke, meatless burgers, and now, drugs without the high… at least it’s legal. I hope so, anyway, because I need to expense my purchases.

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